For Investors

Fundability Test

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Discover Your Startup's Fundability Score

Take Our Comprehensive Test to Assess Your Investment Readiness and Unlock Personalized Improvement Tips.

Start The Test

“ Ready to take your startup to the next level but unsure about your fundability? Founco's in-house developed Fundability Test is designed to evaluate your startup's readiness for investment. By answering a series of targeted questions, you'll gain insights into your strengths and the areas you need to bolster to make your fundraising efforts a success. “


CEO, Founco

How Does It Work ?


Start the Test

Begin by answering questions across key categories crucial to investor decision-making.


Receive Your Score

Upon completion, instantly get your Fundability Score that reflects your startup’s current investment attractiveness.


Get Personalized Feedback

Along with your score, receive detailed feedback on areas for improvement, tailored advice, and resources to help you enhance your investment readiness.

Test Categories


This category evaluates the uniqueness, viability, and scalability of your product or service. We look at how well it solves a real problem, its market differentiation, and the potential for growth and expansion. The assessment considers product development stage, innovation, and user feedback.

Market and competition

Here, we assess your understanding of the target market and the competitive landscape. This includes the size and growth potential of your market, your market positioning, and how you plan to capture and retain your target audience. We also evaluate your strategy for staying ahead of competitors and adapting to market changes.


Traction measures the progress and momentum of your startup. This involves looking at key performance indicators such as customer growth, revenue, engagement metrics, and other signs of market validation. We assess the effectiveness of your go-to-market strategy and how well your product has been received by the target market.

Founders and Team

This category focuses on the strength, diversity, and capability of your founding team and key personnel. We evaluate the team's industry experience, functional expertise, and the ability to execute on the startup’s vision. Leadership qualities, team cohesion, and the capacity to overcome challenges are also key points of assessment.


In the Fundraising category, we examine your startup’s financial health, funding history, and future funding requirements. This includes your ability to manage financial resources, the clarity and realism of your financial projections, and your strategy for securing additional funds.

Ready to Take the Test?

Get Started Now and Unlock Your Fundability Score.

Why Take the Fundability Test?

Objective Assessment

Gain an unbiased perspective on where your startup stands in terms of appealing to potential investors.

Tailored Improvement Plan

Receive actionable insights and recommendations specific to your startup's needs and growth stage.

Increase Your Chances

Use the feedback to refine your strategy, potentially increasing your success rate in future fundraising rounds.

Frequently Asked Questions

Founco is a matchmaking platform designed to connect startups with investors in Africa and the MENA region, simplifying the fundraising process and providing startups with the resources they need to thrive.

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